WordPress Development
WordPress has become the defacto standard in Content Management Systems, with over 40% of the web using WordPress!
MyWebTeam provide a range WordPress solutions using our core range of customisations and plugins to extend WordPress into your essential online marketing and website management toolkit.

WordPress Details
Rich Features
WordPress is feature packed to handle any simple or complex marketing or website requirement you have.
Create fully responsive and customised content, with a level of page control, unlike any other content management system.
Using the plugin architecture, you can add a range of functions to leverage your website, add eCommerce, SEO tools, analytics, contact forms using the plugin network of over 45,000 plugins.
Beautiful Designs
Our team of designers can create a beautiful site for your brand and online presence, ensuring your brand stays on point.
SEO Optimised
Manly SEO practices are available out of the box in WordPress, if you want to have greater control over SEO and content, there are a range of plugins available to assist.
Premium Hosting
We offer shared hosting as well as virtual private server support and management using infrastructure optimised for running WordPress.
Rockstar Support
MyWebTeam we offer a wide range of management and technical support options to help you get the most out of your WordPress site.
Pricing & Enquiries
MyWebTeam can build a simple WordPress site using an existing theme, all the way to a fully customised platform with a range of plugins and custom development requirements to suit your business and marketing requirements.